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About A Writers Draft

This blog is about me, Sean J Harper, taking the first steps into the publishing industry. Finding the pitfalls and the high points of becoming a published writer. It’s a new year and, for me personally, a new beginning and I aim to make the best of the coming months.

For years I kept wondering how well I would do, would I be able to acquire an agent or is the eBook market the way to go, or both? I wonder if this will even work. I have so many questions that need answering and I hope to find the answers.

There is much for me to do but I’m no stranger to hard work. There will be disappointments and the occasional set back. But I’m prepared for it all. 2012 is where it all begins.

A writer cannot journey alone so it would be a great thing if I could find like-minded people with a love of words and a passion for the craft of writing.

I’m in this for the long term and if you would like to follow the discoveries I’m documenting it right here at Word Press.

There are three things you should know about me, I have determination, a willingness to learn, and I never give up.

My name is Sean J Harper but my friends call me Jay.

Welcome to my world.  I hope to see you here.

  1. I like your earnest mind-set. I’m a fantasy and SF fan and in for the long haul, too! (I’m not sure what other haul there is, frankly.) All the best!

    • For me getting to the point where my writing will be published is the long haulfor me. Other than that I shall engoy the experiance of connecting with other writers such as yourself and learning more about the craft of writing and the publishing industry itself.
      Once again thank you for reading and all the best to you too.

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